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Property Owners Insurance

This product is suitable for property owners who wish to cover their properties against all risks including their public liability as landlords. It covers Material Damage (“All Risks”), Loss of Rent and Public Liability. It complies with the legislation for Self-Service (Sharing Economy) Accommodation Establishments.

What is covered

or destruction of, or damage to the insured property by any accidental physical cause occurring at the insured premises.

Cover under this section includes:

  • Debris removal  

  • Professional fees

  • Works necessary to comply with regulations and requirements set by public authorities.

  • Keys & locks

  • Expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred in clearing, cleaning or repairing drains, gutters sewers, pipes, cables and telecommunication cables.

  • In the event of damage resulting from escape of water or oil, the costs necessarily and reasonably incurred in locating the source of the damage in order to effect repairs and the costs of making good

1 - Physical Loss

2 - Loss of Rent:

Loss of rent cover provides coverage to landlords for the financial loss they may experience if their rental property becomes uninhabitable and unable to generate rental income. It typically applies in cases where the property is damaged due to events like fire, flood, or other covered perils.

With loss of rent insurance, landlords can receive compensation for the rental income they would have earned during the period when the property is unable to be occupied. It is designed to help protect landlords from potential financial hardships that may arise from unexpected events that prevent tenants from living in the property and paying rent.

3 - Public Liability:

Covers all sums which you shall become legally liable to pay as damages in respect of accidental personal injury to any person, accidental physical loss or destruction of, or damage to, tangible property, accidental nuisance, accidental trespass or accidental interference with any easement right of air light water or way, up to the limits specified in the policy schedule.

Property Owners Insurance Offer

Thanks for submitting!

Type of Structure
What is the use of the property

Please type the Reconstruction value of your building (house/apartment) based on the current prices of construction. Building: The home, garage and outbuildings, its fixtures and fittings, boundary and garden walls, gates, hedges, fences, footpaths, patios, terraces, drives, tennis courts, swimming pools, garden ponds, statues and fountains which are permanently fixed into the ground, greenhouses, solar panels, septic tanks, gas or oil central heating tanks all forming part of the home which are used for domestic purposes only.

Property Type

Household goods, furniture, furnishings, radio and television aerials on or in the home, high risk items, personal possessions, pedal cycles, business equipment, and wheelchairs owned by your family and that you or your family are legally responsible for.

Please state the annual rent receivable if you wish to add the Loss of Rent Cover

Security Measures
Any claims in the past five years?
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